Earlier projects and consultancy
During her career, Roudaina Al Khani worked on a broad range of projects at the city and regional levels and offered consultancy at the national level. Her workload at each position contained several related projects dealing with different sides and levels of planning challenges. This has given a unique depth and understanding of the relationship between national and regional planning and local-level reality.
Here you can see some of the projects she worked on as a consultant or a planner in different organisations before she founded Platforms.

At the city and neighbourhood level
Holbaek City Masterplan, Holbaek Kommune 2013
Feedback on the Masterplan whilst working in the Holbaek Kommune in 2013.
Copenhagen Municipal Plan Work 2006 - 2009
R. Al Khani's responsibility during her work at the city of Copenhagen included a wide range of projects at all levels, scientific content, project management and leadership of working groups across the different municipal departments leading innovative processes. This included her work on Copenhagen Development Strategy, process design, scientific and practical arrangement of workshops and public debates and coordination of input. Some of the projects are presented on this page.
Copenhagen City Development Strategy 2007
As a part of her portfolio in the City of Copenhagen, R. Al Khani led the work on a justifying report to a new thinking Copenhagen Municipal Plan Strategy, Municipality of Copenhagen, with a focus on the qualities of Copenhagen as an Environmentally sustainable city that is economically viable and socially diverse. R. Al Khani was the project manager and coordinator responsible for this report's scientific content, which was achieved by a multidisciplinary working group coordinating across the different departments. Workshops and public debates were organised alongside. The project is part of the Copenhagen Municipal Plan Work.
Copenhagen Environmental Local Agenda 21 – Plan 2008-2011
While working in the City of Copenhagen, R. Al Khani was member of the city working group on Agenda 21 representing Center of Urban Development, Finance Administration.
Regeneration and urban revitalisation 1998 - 2005
R. AL Khani's PhD research "Waterfront Redevelopment and Urban Revitalization - The factors, aspects and values involved in the regeneration and planning of harbour-front spaces" made a vital contribution to city planning and urban regeneration /revitalisation research and to integrated and strategic planning approaches and sustainability. It generously contributes to theory development as it links and integrates different disciplines. It also develops new research methods and contributes to more informed professional practice. Focus is placed on the North European regions. Copenhagen is a major case study. Oslo, Gothenburg and Amsterdam are other cases. The work explored regeneration strategies, partnerships and tools under different planning systems investigating case study examples in the UK and France.
Informal settlement areas in Syria 2011
Developed an integrated national model concept for the regeneration of informal settlement areas in Syria based on sustainability and participatory approaches and flexible management. Example Al Haydariah - a neighbourhood in the North of the city of Aleppo. With its 37000 inhabitants, the area was to be the starting point for regeneration in North Aleppo.
Damascus Masterplan activity 2010 - 2011
Assessment and feedback to Damascus Masterplan activity and teams and reports with a focus on sustainability and strategic planning and on developing Damascus as a more dynamic city for all. Comments, input and recommendations – on behalf of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs – to the Ministry of Local Administration, Damascus Governorate and the contracting international consulting company.
Terms of Reference for planning in the Syrian Cities 2010 - 2011
Advisor to the Ministry of Local Administration in relation to the Terms of Reference for two Syrian cities; Lattakiya and Tartous based on sustainable and strategic approaches. On behalf of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs, Syria.
Terms of Reference for Damascus Masterplan 2008
Advised the Ministry of Local Administration and Environment on behalf of German International Cooperation GTZ on the Terms of Reference with focus on sustainability and strategic planning versus outmoded masterplanning concepts.
Assessment of Copenhagen International Idea Competition for the North Harbour 2009
Whilst working in the City of Copenhagen, R. Al Khani led the background multidisciplinary working group of the Municipality on the assessment of the North Harbour International Idea Competition. The main focus was placed on selecting a project that respects the Copenhagen Sustainable Development Strategy and sustainability goals according to a new sustainable development toolkit for the city. The structure plan for the North Harbour Area envisaged accommodating 3-4 million m2 of floor space.
Sustainable Development Tools
- R. Al Khani's Ph.D. research Waterfront Redevelopment and Urban Revitalisation in industrial port cities, published 2007 presents a qualitative tool for understanding, assessing and planning for sustainable development of urban areas, cities and regions.
- R. Al Khani, Assessing Harbor-Front Redevelopment and Strategies in Terms of their Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, and Challenges Confronted. The case of Copenhagen. Book published in International Association Cities and Ports, France. 2004. Based on a lecture presented by Al Khani in international conference, IACP, France, 2000.
- R. Al Khani led the background multidisciplinary working group on the assessment of the North Harbour International Idea Competition according to sustainable development principles and in compliance with the city strategy. The process included the development of a new cross-disciplinary sustainable development assessment tool for the city used in the selection of the winner project. The tool has become an integral part of city tools for negotiation and assessment and inspiring to many Danish cities.
Big Cities - Quite Places (Store Byer Stille Steder) - Research project
Contribution to the project's working groups with input from Damascus.
Financed by the Danish Art Foundation, the project explores Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Damascus and is continued as a Ph.D. research led by architect maa Hanne Nielsen.
Debate series: Urban Challenges with an international eye on Copenhagen
R. Al Khani developed and project managed in collaboration with the Danish Architectural Centre whilst working in the City of Copenhagen a series of key public debates "Urban Challenges" with an international eye on Copenhagen dealing with affordable housing, sustainability and climate change, flexibility in planning and social processes in the public realm.
Climate Exhibition on Copenhagen 2008
At the occasion of the International Climate Conference at the Copenhagen University prior to Cop 15, November 3, 2008. Input subjects: Copenhagen - a Sustainable City, the regeneration of Carlsberg, Nordhavn, Grønttorvet and sustainable transportation & bicycle policy. R. Al Khani Worked out the exhibition whilst working in the City of Copenhagen.
More Valby - Exhibition on the Future of Valby, Denmark 2008
Exhibition on the future of the industrial district of Valby neighbouring the city of Copenhagen. Worked out whilst working in the City of Copenhagen in collaboration with the Technical and Environmental Administration.
Project Management of Local Development Areas / Local Development Plans
Whilst working at local governments, R. Al Khani managed a number of local development projects, including:
- Local planning for a large mixed-use development site at Holbaek City, Holbaek Kommune, Denmark.
- Local planning for housing for the elderly with dementia in synergy with Denmark's welfare policy and the overall strategy for senior citizens, including process design, negotiations with stakeholders, steering of planning applications, environmental screening, and public hearing workshops. Establishment of local plan documents and political process.
- The Teglværkshavn area / South Harbour, City of Copenhagen.
- Rowing clubs, City of Copenhagen.
City Platform on Architecture , CopenhagenX 2006 - 2009
As a project manager in the city of Copenhagen, Project Managed the City Platform on Architecture and Planning CopenhagenX in cooperation with the Danish Architectural Centre, Frederiksberg Municipality and the Foundation RealDania.
Restructuring of public libraries and cultural services in Copenhagen 2006
As a project manager from the Finance Administration in the City of Copenhagen, I was part of a cross-municipal working group on the future of cultural activities in Copenhagen. My contribution focused on developing a better offer targeting the different districts' social and demographic settings and accessibility by children, youth and senior citizens.
New Mapping of Copenhagen City 1998 - 2000
Participation in the research project New Mapping of Copenhagen, Centre for Multidisciplinary Urban Studies KACTUS, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - School of Architecture whilst working as a Ph.D. researcher in the centre. The research aimed at a new multidisciplinary reinterpretation of city development aspects, trends, modernities, qualities and actors. Responsible of the Harbour Front area - one of two of KACTUS' main focus areas.
Refurbishment and reuse
- Building registration and assessment of renovation costs for the refurbishment of 38 buildings of the old Meat City site, Den Brune Kødby in Copenhagen. Whilst employed at the City of Copenhagen 1994-1995. Part of a working group of three.
- Reconversion of industrial and port industrial heritage in the North-East coast of USA - Research project: Participated as a team member while working as an urban planner at Societé Pierre Colboc, Paris, 1989 in this work which was prepared by Colboc Architectes to Ministry of Housing and Equipment, France, 1989.