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Earlier projects and consultancy


During her career, Roudaina Al Khani worked on a broad range of projects at the city and regional levels and offered consultancy at the national level. Her workload at each position contained a number of connected projects dealing with different sides and levels of planning challenges. This has given a unique depth and understanding of the mutual relationship between national and regional level planning and local level reality. Here, you can see some of the projects she worked on as a consultant or a planner in different organisations before she founded Platforms.

At the national level
  •     The planning System in Syria 2016
A book chapter on the Syrian Planning System in the World Planning Manual 2015, International Association of Urban and International Planners ISOCARP.
  •     Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities, 2013 Denmark
Consultant to Ministry of Urban and Rural Affairs, Denmark in relation to the EU-Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities: Translation of the sustainability tool and advisory in relation to its implementation in local governments in Denmark.
  •     Sustainable Development Programme for Syria 2009-2011
As a high-level advisor, Roudaina Al Khani took the initiative and framed a high-level cross-sector development programme for Syria based on sustainability, regeneration and economic progress, improvement of potentials, sustainable resources and good governance.
  •     National Five-Year Plan of Syria 2011 
Evaluation of and comments to the 11th Five Year cross sector National Plan of Syria. Consultancy and report to Ministry of Presidential Affairs, Syria. 
  •     Informal settlement areas in Syria 2011 
Established a national level model concept for the regeneration of informal settlement areas in Syria based on sustainability and participatory approaches with a flexible management model. Pilot Project: Al Haydariyah neighbourhood in North Aleppo (37000 inhabitants). This neighbourhood was to be the starting point for a regeneration incorporating North Aleppo.
  •     Advisory in relation to the development of the planning system 2010 - 2011
Advisory in support of a new regional planning practice and a Regional Planning Law
- Advisory in relation to a new Law on Urban Planning with focus on new planning approaches based on strategic planning and sustainability.
- Advisory in relation to a new Law on Local Administration with focus on more synergies and good     governance.
  •     Support activities at the national and local administration level Syria 2008
Consultant to German International Cooperation, Sustainable Urban Development Programme UDP (German International Cooperation and Ministry of Local Administration).
-  Supported in identifying a series of support activities at the national and local administration levels to be the core for the German - Syrian governments agreement forward to 2016.

-  Identified sustainable development strategies, goals, tools, and governance models in Europe that can be transferred to Syria.  


  •     Legal settings framing urban development and planning in Syria 2009
Assessment of legal settings in relation to sustainable urban development goals, and recommendations. Consultancy Report to German International Cooperation.
  •     Capacity of the planning administrations in Syria 2008 - 2009 
Assessment of current capacities and capacity development needs of planning administrations in Syria in relation to sustainable integrated urban development and planning at all administrative levels. Consultancy Report to German International Cooperation.
  •     State of Cities Report (SoCR), Syria 2008
Advisor to German International Cooperation in relation to the start up phase on the work on a State of Cities Report in Syria financed by Cities' Alliance. Activities included:
-  Co-designed an Assistance Framework to the Concept Phase
- Arrangement, scientific input and moderation of a series of workshops for 16 Syrian cities and representative from the Ministry of Local Administration.
-  Identified potential parameters for assessing the State of Urban Planning in Syria SOUP.
-  Identified potential parameters for establishing a national level city development strategy.

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