Knowledge-sharing, mentoring and thinking forums
We participate actively in knowledge-sharing, tutoring and mentoring and in leading the international debate on the development of cities and regions. We hold lectures and tailored interactive workshops and we are involved in academic and scientific committees' activity.
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Moderating a Key session at AIVP 17th World Conference on Ports and Cities
Sustainable Blue Futures-
May 2022, Conference Arranged by Worldwide Network of Port Cities AIVP.
Dr Roudaina Alkhani moderated the session 'New Port City Interface - Rethinking the Waterfront and Valorizing the Maritime Identity' at the 17th World Conference Cities and Ports in Tangier 'Inspiring Blue Futures' on 11-13 May 2022.
The port and city interface is a very complex and multilayered issue. The session, which dealt with the port-city interface at the waterfront, reinforced the importance that ports and cities collaborate around sustainable projects aiming to strengthen both the port and the city, rethinking activities that can cohabit together rather than separate and discussing related challenges and potential solutions.
The session presented the ports' and cities' efforts, plans and various approaches ranging from large-scale holistic, sustainable adaptations of coastal lines to more focused strategic interventions, the inclusion of innovative buffer zones, and meanwhile use and shared spaces that city residents enjoy. The presentations demonstrated several aspects of how these multi-scale spatial interfaces are being thought to benefit the cities, the ports, the inhabitants, and visitors.
Developing Sustainable and Blue Port Cities Webinar - Webinar Moderator-
30 March 2022, Arranged by Worldwide Network of Port Cities AIVP.
Dr. Alkhani moderated an innovative webinar on how to promote Blue and Sustainable Port Cities, hosting professional and academic leaders. The Worldwide Network of Port Cities AIVP organised the webinar to kick off discussions on the Blue Port Cities (blue economy) topic, which became the main theme of the 17th World Conference on Cities and Ports Inspiring Blue Futures in May 2022.
Alkhani emphasised that the urgency of climate change, the SDGs, and Green Recovery implementation necessitated a rethink of the continuity between the Green and the Blue ecosystems and economies on different scales. The port cities and their actors (port and city authorities, businesses and communities) have a significant role in ensuring green Blue Growth at all scales. The webinar stressed that port cities should aim at:
Sustainable development, adaptation and management of coastal areas and their complex natures.
Innovative solutions for decarbonised logistic chains and port cities, building on alternative fuels and electrification of infrastructure, Sustainable maritime transport, coastal and marine renewable energies and digitalisation.
Preserving healthy, green and marine ecosystems.
Promoting inclusive environments and blue economies.
Sustainable Cities Lab for Saudi Women Architects and Planners
16 - 19 th January 2018, London & Oxford
Platforms designed and organised this important knowledge and interactive Lab in London and Oxford in collaboration with the Arab Urban Development Institute AUDI, the University of Westminster, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies and a group of high-level professionals from leading consultancies and academics from the UK and KSA, including Atkins, Aecom, Prince Sultan University, Dar El-Hekmeh University and others. The Lab was an innovative knowledge forum gathering Saudi and UK participants from several organisations to discuss the implementation of KSA Vision 2030 and the future of Saudi Cities, discussing critical issues including sustainable development, urban resilience, well-being and community engagement. The Lab targeted building a strong women's academics and professional network around the development of cities.
The outcomes of the insightful discussions were gathered in a Visions Book to inspire ideas for the future of Saudi cities.
Harbor-front redevelopment and coastal management with focus on North European cities: Working for more thriving cities and regions
19 April 2017, American University in Sharjah, UAE
Roudaina gave the lecture as an inspiration to the debate on waterfronts, port development and coastal areas in the United Arab Emirates, taking a starting point in North European cities' strategies and the conclusions of the 15th World Conference on Port Cities in 2016 in which I chaired sessions. Emphasis was placed on enabling sustainable, smart and resilient port cities and regions.
Recent UN and EU Sustainable Development Policies SDG - Post-2015: What Challenges for Planning and Governance?
20 July 2016, World Association for Sustainable Development WASD
Roudaina held a lecture at WASD 14th International Conference Europe at a Cross Road - The Challenge for Future Sustainable Development, London.
Involvement in the International Ports and Cities Debate -
15th World Conference Cities and Ports
October 2016, Rotterdam. Arranged by Worldwide Network of Port Cities AIVP, Port of Rotterdam and City of Rotterdam
Dr. Alkhani was involved throughout 2016 in the activities of this worldwide influential forum, which gathered over 45 countries. Her activities included:
Member of the Scientific and Selection Committee of the Conference.
Chair and Co-moderator of one of the Conferences' main topics: Joint Port and City Strategies for Sustainability in a time of uncertainty.
Co-author of the Synthesis of this Topic in collaboration with Senior Urban Planner Walter de Vries, City of Rotterdam.
Modern industrial port city in change. With focus on the North European context
27 October2016, Oxford Brookes University
Roudaina was invited by the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes to give a lecture in the framework of SPARK Seminar.
Sustainable Cities Workshop
3 Dec 2015, University College London
The theoretical/professional workshop Roudaina held at UCL focused on how sustainability emerged as thought and UN goals for sustainability. Roudaina presented examples of sustainable city
strategies and sustainable urban development tools for assessing master plans and urban areas.
The students' groups discussed and assessed projects they had selected
beforehand based on the lecture and presented their results.
Invited by Green Economy Society.
Sources of Strength and Hope for Syria and the Syrian People
19 April 2016, London
Roudaina held a talk from the heart including memories and stories from Syria at the Inspired By Syria Event at Rich Mix, London. The storey and music event was produced by Platforms for sustainable cities and regions and the Fifth Quadrant in the framework of the Global Week for Syria.
Planning Strategies for Waterfront Redevelopment: Copenhagen, Oslo, Gothenburg and Amsterdam - Lecture and Interactive Workshop
11 July 2016, University of Cambridge
Roudaina was invited to hold a lecture and an interactive workshop on stakeholders' involvement for the Masters Programme Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment, University of Cambridge. Based on learning from harbourfront redevelopment in four North European cities, the students were involved in assessing two different redevelopment projects in Oslo and presented their results.
The Planning System in Syria
2016, International Society of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP
Roudaina Al Khani, Original Chapter on the Planning System in Syria published in the World Planning Manual 2015, ISOCARP, 2016.
The main subjects include Planning Frameworks, Planning Processes, including Plan Making, Participation and Appeal Processes, Sustainability and Governance Aspects, Evaluation and Recommendations, particularly with the challenges facing Reconstruction in the country.
Meeting Development and Planning Challenges in North Europe and the Middle East
5 December 2014, University College London
Roudaina was invited by University College London, Development Planning Unit DPU as a key speaker to talk about her works at
the occasion of DPU's 60 years birthday. You can read more using the following link:
Planning for Sustainable Cities and Regions
4 March 2015, University College London
Dr Alkhani held a lecture and participated in a panel debate on the green economy topic at University College London, invited by the Students' Green Business Forum 2015.
Read more about the panel here: